Fraction Games

Try these fraction games to help out the kids in your care!


You can teach fractions by explaining the methods, by quizzes and worksheets, by flashcards - but you should never forget that fraction games can make the learning fun! On this page, I provide easy links to all the fraction games on this site. Check them out! If a child gets hooked on a game, they'll play it again and again, practicing and practicing the skills in the game until they know them thoroughly. It's amazing! If the game they are playing is an educational game, so much the better.

This site has a whole bunch of fractions games and online quizzes. You should also check out the other fractions resources I've put up. There are worksheets, explanations, and worked example generators that can generate as many worked examples fo fractions questions as you like. This page, however, is devoted to the fractions games, so without further ado, here's the list of games :

Follow this link to get the Fraction Division Worksheets provided on this website. Like the other fractions worksheets on this site, the fraction division worksheets are grouped into five different difficulty levels, with 10 worksheets in each level. Each worksheet has 10 questions. This is more than enough practice to make anyone a fraction division expert.
The Adding Fractions Worksheets Page has links to dozens and dozens of practice questions for fraction addition. Each worksheet prints onto a single page
Try the Fractions Card Game if you have children who need to practice adding and subtracting fractions. There's a set of playing cards to print and cut out, and suggestions for at least three games you can play with them. In one, the aim is to find groups of cards that add up to one, so kids will pick up skills in addition and subtraction of fractions, as well as reducing fractions, as they pit their wits against one another.
Looking for Fraction Multiplication Worksheets? This page has hundreds of fraction multiplication practice questions sorted into worksheets fo 10 questions each. More than enough practice questions for almost any math student to learn fractio multiplication.
These Simplifying Fractions Worksheets have hundreds of simplifying fractions questions to try. There are a variety of levels of difficulty to choose from. This should be all the worksheets you'll ever need!
Print out and make this set of Fractions Dominoes. It's a fractions activity designed to help kids recognise how much of a circle each fraction represents. Unlike some other math games, winning is not just about being better at math - but the game nonetheless provides great learning opportunities.
Here's a large collection of Equivalent Fractions Worksheets to give math students practice checking whether fractions are equivalent or not.
This Fraction Simplifying Puzzle challenges kids to simplify a collection of fractions and observe which ones can and can not be simplified. There are variants of the puzzle that make it suitable for kids just learning fractions, all the way up to lower high school.
Like the other fractions worksheets pages on this site, the Subtraction Fractions Worksheets page has links to all the fraction subtraction worksheets you'll need. Bookmark it and come back when you need more.

Well, that's all for now, but stay tuned... I'm continually adding new games to this site. Or, if you have a fun fraction game that you use with the kids in your care, Let me know and I'll tell the world about it - giving you full credit, of course...